Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rocking Out!

Sorry it's been so long since the last post. Been pretty busy over here. I have recently purchased a Christmas present for the family. I know, what a good daddy I am. Soooo, I will just keep a hold of the Wii and the Rock Band game that goes with it until I head home before Christmas. Here's a quick video of us playing. Remember, this is our first "gig", so don't be too critical of us!

I just hope the family enjoys their new gift as much as we do!

I'll try to get some more posts up in the next couple days.


  1. Oh my word. You look like Matt with how fast you're strumming that guitar!!!!! Fun stuff, Jay.

    We're heading down to your house this weekend to celebrate birthdays with your boys. I can hardly glad they're close enough to be able to do this. What a blessing, huh? The only thing missing will be you, but you know you'll be there in spirit. Love you!

    OH! And Lane prays for you EVERY SINGLE NIGHT of his own accord. It goes something like this:

    "And God? Please keep Uncle Jason safe in the rack." :) Get it? the rack = Iraq. Man I love that kid.

  2. Great job jamming, honey! And thanks for keeping our Christmas present until you can give it to us in person. I'm thrilled that you're making sure all the pieces are working properly. Are you and Deryl planning a North American tour?

    Thanks for giving me a sneak peek yesterday of the band. I feel so lucky! All I needed was a lighter to wave around! :)

    Love you!!

  3. Rockin'! Man, looks like the competition will be on when you get back!

  4. Oh we love family Rock Band night! We formed a band with the Metcalfe family; we call ourselves the Nevcalfes! Fun times!

  5. Hey Jason! So glad things are going well and you are safe!

    If that was real and not staged you are gonna have to play me, cause I love that game!

    Cant wait to see you again!

    Love and Prayers,



Thanks for taking a minute to jot a note of encouragement. God Bless.