Saturday, June 20, 2009

Greetings from "Somewhere, Iraq"

Hello, all of my loyal followers (ie Tiffany), and welcome to my new blog. For those of you who have been following Tiff's blog for years, let me first explain that she got all the brains in our marriage. So don't expect quite the same level of posting from my blog. As for the title, I did not choose it. I believe most of my fellow soldiers would agree with me when I say that I am just doing my job. But since my lovely wife did choose it, I will happily keep it. Thanks Baby.

Been a great couple of weeks so far, to include chiggars, dust storms, and first class seating, but I will get into that in my next post. Welcome all, and I will try to have the next (longer) post up tonight.


  1. Hi honey!!! You're off to a super start! Can't wait to read all your experiences via your new blog. Aren't you just so excited??!! :) hahaha!! Thanks for doing this, babe. What a fun thing for our boys to read once they are older. BTW, you're one smart cookie but thank you for the brains comment. :)

    Mom and dad read the post as well and wanted me to tell you that they are indeed followers, but since they aren't in the 20th Century anymore(yup, that's right) and don't have that thing Al Gore invented, they'll be reading through me.

    We love you and miss you oodles!! Talk to you soon. Have a safe Father's Day. Be sure to check our main blog for something special.


  2. Hi Jason. Thanks for all you are doing for our country. Can't wait to hear more about chiggars and dust storms! Be safe!

    Misty (aka Price)

  3. Thanks for all you are doing over there to keep us safe over here. :) I pray that you have a safe and happy Father's Day.

    Jill (one of Tiffany's blogging friends)

  4. Welcome to blogging, and have a wonderful Fathers Day - you have a great family supporting you.

    From JanMary, N Ireland (another of Tiffany's bloggy friends)

  5. Just want you to know that we are followers too:) We are praying for you and your family and Washington misses you guys!

  6. Hey, big bro! Welcome to the bloggy world!!!!! Glad to hear things are going okay for you over there...thinking of you and praying for you daily.

    We're off to see Grammy tomorrow. And I got news today that Joyce Boice's breast cancer has returned after 20 years of remission. I also talked to Kirk Marcum today and he and his wife will keep you in their prayers.

    We're proud of you, Jay. Love you and always remember to buckle up. :) Happy Father's Day!


  7. Wanted to say thanks for your service, you are most definitely a hero! My family is praying for you! Hope you have a safe and happy Father's Day!
    Lisa (Tiff's blogging friend, & Army wife)

  8. HOOAH! Ha ha ha ha! I'll have to send you Jeremy's address once he makes it to Afghanistan. You guys can swap war stories! We love you guys and are so encouraged by your journey. Much love to you guys!

    The Other Tiff for the Nevil crew

  9. Hey Jason, glad to see you are finally up and running in the blog world. I'll be checking in on you and please know that you are in our prayers.

  10. Hey Jason, Just a short note from your friends down south. Whit and I just returned from a trip to Brazil and the Keys (Whitney dive certified and is hooked!!). Will be keeping up with your blog. Thanks for taking the time to post. Most of all thanks for your dedication and service to our country and to your family!! You guys are great!
    Love ya,

  11. You've always been my hero, honey, so the title was a no braier. I think its great to have this record of your journey and experiences for our boys to read down the road.
    LOVE YOU!!!


Thanks for taking a minute to jot a note of encouragement. God Bless.